Pollution in India
India is facing a critical issue: cities are heavily toxic due to high levels of pollution, both in terms of greenhouse gases and fine particles. A recent report by Greenpeace and AirVisual found that 7 of the top 10 most polluted cities in the world are in India. A look at the list showed the NCR region as the most polluted in India: being cleaner must become a priority if we want to remain healthy. The site of urban emissions gives a good overview of the alarming rate at which air quality in India degraded these last 20 years.
Automobile Pollution

Automobile are a large contributor to this pollution, the problem being two sided: one the one hand vehicles pollute by emitting gasses (older vehicles emitting more gasses), but the recycling process often also pollutes. Vehicles are driven for 20-25 years and then discarded at scrap dealers who scrap the car using outdated and polluting processes. Fluids are often emptyed on the soil, mixing with the aquiferous zones and causing long term environmental hazards.
With the rapidly increasing volume of vehicles in India, there is a parallel need for modern recycling facilities to properly dispose of these vehicles once they reach End-of-Life (EOL). The junkyards in India are full of old vehicles that have no more usability and their number are continuously increasing. In comparison to European countries and some Asian countries like Japan and China, there are no professional modern recycling facilities in India to deal with the disposal of old vehicles.
The Indian government is studying ways to reduce pollution and fulfill its targets agreed on via the COP 21 Emission Treaty. An effective, robust and organized recycling sector is the only way forward towards this goal and automobile recycling facilities will form the backbone of this effort.
The Current Automobile Recycling Situation in India
Vehicles are licensed to run for only 15 years in India, however, there are over 30 million vehicles on roads that pre-date 1990.
Auto shredding in India is a highly unorganized sector where vehicles are dismantled in a highly polluting and hazardous manner.
Only 2 registered automobile recyclers are operational in Delhi NCR.
A recycling unit was launched on 2nd August 2011, 55km outside Chennai, by National Automotive Testing and R&D Infrastructure Project (NATRiP) and the Ministry of Heavy Industries (Global Automotive Research Centre). However, this facility is currently inactive.
The Challenge Ahead
On the one side, the IndiaTimes tells us there are 32,46,637 cars in Dehli NCR region.
On the other side, DriveSpark shows us the maximum car age for petrol fueled cars before being recycled is 15 years, while it is 10 years for diesel fueled cars. If we weight this with their sales (61% Petrol and 39% Diesel), we get an average age of 13.05 years per car.
While this does not take the progression of car sales over the years into account (nor the peak of recycling to be done right now to "catch up" with all cars sold in 2004 and before), it still means there is an average of 2,48,784 cars a year – or 20,732 cars a month to recycle responsibly over the next 13 years – for the Dehli NCR region alone!
How Can We Scrap Cars Better?
By following a strict process that does not let anything go to waste! This starts with a proper depolluting of the vehicle, removing all fluids in a controlled area with no possibility of soil contamination. Then by coutiuosly separating all different components and materials and direct to the proper recycling partner.
Recycling one car saves:
- arrow_forward 1.25 tons of iron ore
- arrow_forward 1400 pounds of coal
- arrow_forward 120 pounds of limestone
- arrow_forward 0.93 tons of steel
- arrow_forward 39,090 gallons of water
Additionally, every ton of tire rubber allows the derivation of:
- arrow_forward 450-litre fuel
- arrow_forward 150-liter petroleum gas
- arrow_forward 75-kg steel
- arrow_forward 250-kg carbon
Not only is this vehicle recycling process eco friendly, but it also aims to contribute to India's trade balance, as all those recycled materials would not have to be imported anymore.
Our Value
check_circle We pledge to actively contribute to a greener and cleaner India, by recycling cars following the highest standards.
check_circle We continuously search how to improve the processes that lead to lower waste and operate in the highest transparency.
check_circle So please, for the love of India, let us scrap your car!