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According to our analysis, the 2021 vehicule scrappage policy will have impact on car owners, recyclers, automobile companies and the indian economy.
This aricle takes a deep delves into those consequences, from a short and long term perspective.
In this article, we delve into the new Indian Vehicle Scrappage Policy. We will be discussing four major points, which are "Voluntary Scrappage of Cars", "Age increased to 20 years", "Renewing the fitness" and, last but not least, "Incentivizing scrappage of cars".
In this article, we have an in depth look at what the options are regarding the disposal of an End of life vehicle.
We had the honour to be invited by SIAM to participate to this event and share our point of view in the technologival imperatives and material eco-efficiency of ELV recycling; this article summarizes this day.
India is facing a critical issue concerning pollution: cities are heavily toxic due to high levels of pollution, both in terms of greenhouse gases and fine particles.
A recent report by Greenpeace and AirVisual found that 7 of the top 10 most polluted cities in the world are in India.
A look at the list showed the NCR region as the most polluted in India: being cleaner must become a priority if we ...